News & articles

23. April 2024
Running is a fantastic way to stay active and improve your health. But for dedicated runners, pushing your limits and achieving peak performance requires more than just putting in the kilometres. Proper nutrition, including tailored supplementation, plays a crucial role in maximising your endurance and recovery whether training for a race day or just a casual afternoon run. We understand the intense strain runners place on their bodies. That’s why we offer a range of scientifically formulated supplements designed to support runners at every stage of their journey, from pre-run energy boosts to post-run recovery essentials. Why Runners Need Supplements? A balanced diet is undeniably crucial for runners. However, nutritional gaps can develop, especially as training intensifies. Supplements can bridge these gaps by providing concentrated sources of essential nutrients that can significantly impact your performance and well-being. Here’s how our supplements can benefit runners: How to decide what to take and when? To make it easier for you to fuel your running trainings, we will discuss which supplements to take and when catering to the unique needs of your running journey. Pre-Run: Look for supplements rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, such as maltodextrin and fructose, to provide sustained energy before...
3. April 2024
Creatine Benefits: Why is it a popular supplement among athletes? Creatine stands out as one of the most popular supplement among athletes. Creatine helps your muscles produce energy during heavy lifting or high intensity exercise. Athletes often take creatine supplements to enhance strength and improve performance. Creatine is one of the world’s most tested supplements and has an outstanding safety...
24. January 2020
In our everyday lives, we try to act like superheroes willing to do numberless important things throughout the day: we spend a lot of time working, we want to get maximum results while training, as well as to spend some quality time with family or friends. It all sounds good, but there’s always a trap. In reality, the fact that...
27. July 2018
Dear participant of IRONMAN Tallinn Don’t let those hard-earned training sessions go to waste with poor nutritional strategies. Your nutrition will make the main difference. It won’t be just for surviving, but actually enjoying the race day. As the official sports nutrition partner of the IRONMAN Tallinn, we’ve put together the key nutritional considerations to keep yourself well-prepared in terms of...
21. July 2018
A combination of energy sources, electrolytes and liquid enhance your body’s ability to absorb water during exercise, maintain your endurance performance and protect against cramp. Does magnesium help in order to reduce leg cramping in long endurance activities? Cramp is an interesting one, it could be any of a number of things from plain dehydration to substrate availability to any...
10. July 2018
No matter what distance you decide to tackle, don’t let all your hard work during running training go to waste with a poor nutritional strategy! SiS GO Isotonic Energy Gels provide an ideal boost without the need for additional water but don’t forget to stay hydrated with our GO Hydro Hydration tablets. Recovery is just as important as training and...
10. July 2018
Football nutrition is key for top performance on the football field. Make sure you have a well planned nutritional strategy before, during and after a match. For more information, read through the most “Frequently Asked Question” in football nutrition. If you want to get complete overview about football nutrition, then download SiS Football Nutrition Guide. What is reasonable for the off...
10. July 2018
No matter what distance of sportive you decide to tackle, there are certain elements you need to give serious thought to; your training and your cycling nutrition. SiS GO Isotonic Energy Gels provide an ideal boost without the need for additional water but don’t forget to stay hydrated with our GO Hydro Hydration tablets. Recovery is just as important as training...
10. July 2018
Carbohydrate is the main fuel for high intensity and prolonged endurance exercise. Although fat may provide more energy, it is used slowly. Carbohydrate yields more energy per litre of oxygen consumed and is a more efficient fuel, providing energy quickly to be used by the working muscles. Although an athlete can enhance the way they use fat a fuel source,...
10. July 2018
Weight management for athletes and active individuals is unique because of their high daily energy expenditure; thus, the emphasis is usually placed on changing the diet side of the energy balance equation. When dieting for weight loss, active individuals also want to preserve lean tissue, which means that energy restriction cannot be too severe or lean tissue is lost. Which...